
All Workshops are based on the philosophy of Louise Hay. Through a series of workshops I utilize interactive exercises, journaling prompts for self-inquiry, and a series of healing practices to support you through your journey. As you process blockages standing in the way of your true self, I will guide you to find your inner strength & power. I will help you to access your inner child, let go of wounds, heal your spirit and claim self-love. From there you can begin creating a more loving story of what you want and what you would like to see in your life! Workshops can range anywhere from 1-hour to 6 hours of intensive interaction.

Forgiveness: The Key To Freedom

Who do you need to Forgive?

Do you need to forgive a partner, a family member, a colleague, a friend or maybe even yourself?

The freedom we find in forgiveness is the freedom to love others and ourselves. It releases us from the chains that bind us and hold us back from our ultimate happiness.


Cost: $99
Time: 12-4pm
Where: Barre Fusion Pilates Studio

Loving Your Body

It’s easy to discount the importance of loving your body. Sometimes we avoid it altogether. Looking in the mirror and telling yourself how beautiful you are, and praising yourself isn’t always that easy.

So often we cover ourselves up for fear of judgment from others and from ourselves. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Loving Your Body is a choice. A life filled with love starts with a single step – loving yourself.


Cost: $99
Time: 12-4pm
Where: Barre Fusion Pilates Studio

The Magic of Believing In Yourself

Believe in yourself! It’s so easy to say, but not so easy to do! 

The truth is -you can manifest anything you want if you just BELIEVE!

You have what it takes and you can make it happen! It all begins with YOU!


Cost: $99
Time: 12-4pm
Where: Barre Fusion Pilates Studio

The Art of Manifesting Abundance Workshop®

You can change your life right now. Learn to create your life to reflect abundance on every level. Change your negative or limiting beliefs around abundance and prosperity.


Cost: $99
Time: 12-4
Where: Barre Fusion Pilates Studio

Change Your Thinking Release The Weight Workshop

How many people do you know struggle with their weight? Is it food, exercise or mindset? Maybe it is all three!

Are you sick of the emotional eating and sabotaging all your efforts?
Maybe you lack self-confidence and have no energy?
Do you diet and diet but never seem to make a major change?


Private Class- 12 Session Package: $1800
Group Class -12 Session Package: $600

Call me for times and availability at 239-777-1950

Where: Barre Fusion Pilates Studio Naples, FL

Love Yourself Heal Your Life® Workshop

Heal Your Life Workshops are based on the principles of the book, You Can Heal Your Life®, by Louise L. Hay and have been attended by millions of people worldwide.


Cost: $150 for Day One Only or $250 for both Days
Time: 10-4pm
Where: Barre Fusion Pilates Studio

About Heal Your Life® and Louise Hay

Heal Your Life® workshops and life coaching sessions are based on the philosophy of Louise L. Hay. Louise Hay’s best-selling book, You Can Heal Your Life, has transformed the lives of millions of people worldwide. Her story is truly one of courage and triumph. Using the techniques described in her book, Louise transcended her abusive upbringing to create a life dedicated to helping others learn how to let go of limiting beliefs and create the life of their dreams!

Louise’s life work really began in 1970 in New York City, where she discovered the Church of Religious Science and began training as a spiritual practitioner, later completing the ministerial training. She learned the power of positive affirmations and a spiritual connection. It was during this time that she compiled the Heal Your Body  book outlining physical symptoms, mental causes, and affirmations. She was soon traveling and speaking throughout the US. When diagnosed with cancer, she used her own methods to heal herself.

Louise later moved back to California, where her work expanded in powerful ways. She wrote her You Can Heal Your Life book (35 million copies sold worldwide), started Hay House, and began an AIDS support group in her living room that grew to 800 people meeting weekly in a West Hollywood gymnasium.

Louise Hay is an icon in the self-help movement. Her fundamental message, the importance of loving yourself, has transformed the lives of millions. In addition to her best known books mentioned above, she has written other books, recorded audio CDs and DVDs, and now filmed the You Can Heal Your Life Movie, which will spread her message even more.

“You Truly Learn Your Worth When You Learn To Love Yourself”
start your healing journey

Book A Discovery Call

I’m happy to hear your concerns and help however I can. Sometimes just hearing a kind voice can make all the difference in the world!
  1. Book a discovery call with me so we can chat about where you are and where you would like to be and how my coaching services might support you.
  2. Create a coaching package to support your needs in total alignment with what you want to achieve.
  3. Get Started!! Stop waiting for change to happen and take control of your future with support, accountability and fun!