Private Pilates & Coaching

This 1:1 Coaching Program will give you the best of both worlds. It will help you to work on your Mind and Body all in one. My desire is to help you achieve your fitness goals while also helping you with mindset.



12-Week Mind Body Pilates

$ 3600

My 12-week program is a Transformation Program that Bridges Soul to Fitness.

“It’s not just a workout, it’s a journey inward”.

This course is about whole-body health, vitality, longevity, and inner and outer beauty.I will guide you through series of workouts designed to sculpt and strengthen your body, awaken your mind, and leave you feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and empowered!

You will learn:

  • That being “Fit” goes beyond the physical
  • To embrace happiness and let go of stress
  • To feel more confident in your own skin
  • What you love about yourself & your beliefs
  • How to have a healthy body image
  • The power of mind control
  • Self awareness, self acceptance
  • Mind Body Connection
  • Nutrition
  • Tapping into your Intuition
  • How to enjoy the journey
  • Your inner power and more…

The program is as follows:

Module 1     Foundations of Self-Confidence and Self-Love
Module 2     Embracing Your Unique Beauty
Module 3     Cultivating Body Positivity
Module 4     Nourishing Your Body with Love
Module 5     Self-Compassion and Forgiveness
Module 6     Confidence Building
Module 7     Inner Strength  and Resilience
Module 8     Emotional Wellness
Module 9     Self Discovery and Purpose
Module 10     Healthy Relationships and Deservability
Module 11     Celebrating Progress and Growth
Module 12     Embodying Your Best Self

This 12-week course meets twice weekly for a total of 24 sessions. Sessions are 1.5 hours long. 60 minutes Fitness/30 minutes Coaching. The sessions are private.

start your healing journey

Book A Discovery Call

I’m happy to hear your concerns and help however I can. Sometimes just hearing a kind voice can make all the difference in the world!
  1. Book a discovery call with me so we can chat about where you are and where you would like to be and how my coaching services might support you.
  2. Create a coaching package to support your needs in total alignment with what you want to achieve.
  3. Get Started!! Stop waiting for change to happen and take control of your future with support, accountability and fun!