Life Coaching

Private Coaching is a one-on-one approach to help you find your truth, have healthy relationships and boundaries, achieve goals, have a well-balanced life and to ultimately claim self love through honoring your soul. In each session we will work on identifying the challenges that hold you back and how to work through those challenges so you can experience life to the fullest. Self-Love is an inside job. Be prepared to put in the effort that it takes to truly transform your life. “I'm looking forward to seeing you on the inside”.

Do any of these questions apply to your life?

  • Do you find yourself often worrying about the future?
  • Are you unhappy with your job or career?
  • Do you feel frustrated with the things you have to do rather than being able to do things you choose to do?
  • Do you have goals you haven’t been able to achieve?
  • Is your life out of balance?
  • Do you experience a number of stress symptoms?
  • Would you like to develop more effective skills and habits to help you achieve your goals?
  • Are you always taking care of others’ needs?
  • Do you feel like something is missing in your life?
  • Do you have a sense of your life purpose?
  • Are you lacking as much joy as you used to have?
  • Do you need help deciding what you want to be when you grow up?
  • Do you want to achieve greater self-acceptance?
  • Do you ever feel there is something holding you back from success?
  • Do you want to create a healthier lifestyle?

If you answered YES to any of the above questions, it is time to honor yourself and your feelings and start taking care of yourself. I can help

Taking good care of yourself is a necessity. You must fill up your own cup or you will have nothing to give. If you are not listening to your heart desires then how can you be truly happy?

We all need assistance at times in our lives to help us move forward. As a Heal Your Life® Coach, I am trained to listen deeply, guide you through releasing limitations, and empower you with the skills to transform your life.

In your coaching sessions, we’ll:

  • Gain clarity by Exploring your current abundance mindset
  • Identify and move through fears and self-limiting beliefs
  • Address and heal past pain
  • Set new goals for your life
  • Increase unconditional self love and acceptance
  • Create affirmations that resonate with your being
  • Develop a self-care routine 
  • Create your ideal life and Live on purpose
  • Learn to Let go of the struggles

You deserve to have it all – joy included. But if you want to live a life of radiant love, you can’t wait around for it to find you. You have to choose it. And I’m happy to help support you in crafting a life that’s as miraculous and beautiful as you.

Single Session

$ 150
Life Coaching

4 Sessions (1 hour each)

$ 500
Life Coaching

6 Sessions (1 hour each)

$ 720
Life Coaching

10 Sessions (1 hour each)

$ 1100
Life Coaching

Many people talk about what they want and never take the steps to get there. There are many different reasons: limiting beliefs, not believing it’s possible, lack of emotional, mental and spiritual skills, not being able to set priorities and manage activities, and procrastination. Heal Your Life® Coaching AND the workshops and study groups can help you overcome all of these blocks.

You deserve a love filled happy life! So why wait? Your life is waiting for YOU!

I am so  happy to help you realize your dreams!

 I am thrilled to guide you on your journey of self-discovery and to truly help you create a life that is fulfilling and abundant for you!

Sending Light & Love

Please contact me  for more information on how to get started with one on one coaching sessions. I offer a variety of sessions but recommend a series of sessions to get the most benefit from my coaching. Heal Your Life® Coaching sessions are done by phone but can be done in person upon request.

About Heal Your Life® and Louise Hay

Heal Your Life® workshops and life coaching sessions are based on the philosophy of Louise L. Hay. Louise Hay’s best-selling book, You Can Heal Your Life, has transformed the lives of millions of people worldwide. Her story is truly one of courage and triumph. Using the techniques described in her book, Louise transcended her abusive upbringing to create a life dedicated to helping others learn how to let go of limiting beliefs and create the life of their dreams!

Louise’s life work really began in 1970 in New York City, where she discovered the Church of Religious Science and began training as a spiritual practitioner, later completing the ministerial training. She learned the power of positive affirmations and a spiritual connection. It was during this time that she compiled the Heal Your Body  book outlining physical symptoms, mental causes, and affirmations. She was soon traveling and speaking throughout the US. When diagnosed with cancer, she used her own methods to heal herself.

Louise later moved back to California, where her work expanded in powerful ways. She wrote her You Can Heal Your Life book (35 million copies sold worldwide), started Hay House, and began an AIDS support group in her living room that grew to 800 people meeting weekly in a West Hollywood gymnasium.

Louise Hay is an icon in the self-help movement. Her fundamental message, the importance of loving yourself, has transformed the lives of millions. In addition to her best known books mentioned above, she has written other books, recorded audio CDs and DVDs, and now filmed the You Can Heal Your Life Movie, which will spread her message even more.

start your healing journey

Book A Discovery Call

I’m happy to hear your concerns and help however I can. Sometimes just hearing a kind voice can make all the difference in the world!
  1. Book a discovery call with me so we can chat about where you are and where you would like to be and how my coaching services might support you.
  2. Create a coaching package to support your needs in total alignment with what you want to achieve.
  3. Get Started!! Stop waiting for change to happen and take control of your future with support, accountability and fun!