
Lisa T. Daniel

Hi! I am a Heal Your Life® Teacher & Life Coach and I use my intuition to support, empower and inspire women to build unshakeable confidence in themselves and to realize everything they need is already within themselves.

It is my goal to provide you with the resources that will guide and support you along your journey to self-love. Self-love is a moment-by-moment adventure. The tools I will provide to you will support you indefinitely as you walk along your path. YOU matter so let’s begin now to bring your deepest desires to life!

My passion is to bring out the best in you, to awaken in you  just how wonderful you really are, and to realize both your inner and outer beauty.

I absolutely love to guide & support you on your healing journey. I am here to help you discover a deeper part of yourself, help you to open your heart, show you how to have a more fulfilling life, and to ultimately embrace the place where you feel abundant, hopeful and filled with purpose!

Through my own life experiences dealing with issues of self love, I was led to to the teachings of Louise Hay. I came to realize that a lot of my life experiences came from an ingrained belief system that was not my own. Dysfunctional family issues is something we can all relate to. Growing up in a large family where we could not express feelings, where we were not supported , and where women were disregarded and disrespected, was my experience. We had no power, we were never good enough, thin enough and we were certainly not loved enough. The body shaming, the criticizing, and the unhealthy patterns became a part of me. Since these patterns became a part of me I unconsciously relived them throughout my life by attracting people and situations that mirrored these beliefs.

I knew I wanted to heal these deep unconscious beliefs in order to get to the other side and no longer attract these painful situations or relationships into my life. I found myself listening to Louise’s tapes, reading her lovely books and taking Heal Your Life Workshops. I took every opportunity to explore and dive deep into the world of Self-Love and Self-Discovery which has totally changed my life! I am thankful for all my experiences that have made me who I am today. I was led here and I am thankful and happy to now assist you on your journey as you embrace your true self. “When the teacher is ready, the student appears!.” I’m ready, as I have transformed my life thanks to Louise Hay and to myself for having the courage and strength to choose “ME”. And you can too!

Are you ready to heal that which is no longer serving you?
And are you ready to choose yourself and explore what will make you truly happy?
Are you ready to live on PURPOSE?
How would you like to see yourself and  how would you like to see your life?

It is my goal to provide you with the resources that will guide and support you along your journey to self-love. Self-love is a moment by moment adventure. The tools I will provide to you will support you indefinitely as you walk  along your path. YOU matter so let’s  begin now to bring your deepest desires to life!


As Louise Hay says, “Trust the Process of Life”, “You are Divinely Guided”!
start your healing journey

Book A Discovery Call

I’m happy to hear your concerns and help however I can. Sometimes just hearing a kind voice can make all the difference in the world!
  1. Book a discovery call with me so we can chat about where you are and where you would like to be and how my coaching services might support you.
  2. Create a coaching package to support your needs in total alignment with what you want to achieve.
  3. Get Started!! Stop waiting for change to happen and take control of your future with support, accountability and fun!